E-Planning for Publishers

Enhance your monetization with high-quality demand

Want to make the most of your inventory?

Our Ad Exchange can achieve that and more. Your inventory becomes a vital and distinctive component of our marketplace.


What's in for you?

Broad benefits pave the way for connecting with the demand that will increase your revenue growth without decreasing user time of permanence.

Exclusive and High-Quality Demand

Access a unique demand that matches perfectly with your audience and brings in exclusive agreements with agencies and advertisers.

High CPM Compared Against Industry-Standards

Connect your inventory to our marketplace and receive access to our PMP with exclusive deals in a closed, private environment.

Real-Time Analytics

Visualize real-time performance KPIs within our dashboard to make data-driven decisions that support growth.

Improved User's Ad Experience

Make sure your audience doesn't receive low-quality ads and enhance ad visualization while protecting its data.

30-Day Payments

E-Planning ad exchange allows you to receive payments in the fastest way possible.

Integration Option

How do we connect?

We ensure a seamless integration by working with Prebid.js, Prebid Server, OpenRTB.


Which formats and screens do we work with?

Banner display, video, rich media, CTV, web, and mobile. These are just some of the formats and screens we work with and scale.

Quality demand

Ensuring end-to-end Quality and Transparency

We are TAG Anti-Fraud Program certified and collaborate with Boltive to scan ads, ensuring your ad space remains free from any unwanted content.

Pixalate and Moat support us to better detect and prevent invalid traffic.

Make your inventory more valuable with the platform that helps your revenue grow.